Sunday, 18 April 2010

Made summat!

Finally made something off my list in previous entry:

Mung bean pancakes. They are Korean in origin, just like the kimchi which goes into them.

Soaking, hours of soaking. In fact so much that they started to sprout a little. Laborious removing of as many of the skins as possible. Whizzing up with a little water using a blender. Adding drained, wrung and finely chopped kimchi, a finely chopped shallot, one clove of crushed garlic, finely chopped spring onion, salt and pepper. Shallow frying in a generous amount of oil. Patting dry on kitchen paper, scoffing down.

Aren't they cute? They didn't taste very strong (more seasoning next time? a dipping sauce? more kimchi in the mix? There are many options) but the unusual taste of mung bean was very welcome. The recipe I adapted it from also used chopped Spam in the mix but for some strange reason I gave it a miss. I'm sure it will dawn on me.

Oh yeah, I'm back in the saddle.

I can't quite work out how to use the Crop tool in GIMP, which is why you see a lot of plate in the picture. I'm sure I'll work it out.

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